Who hasn’t dreamed of the PERFECT beach session? Or is that just me?
I am sure when you have dreamt of this beautiful session, you did not think or want to wake up in the wee hours of the morning. Most of us are not morning people and certainly not sunrise people! I am far from a morning person, never have and probably never will be. You’re probably thinking “yeah right, I am not going to get my whole family ready at an hour that shouldn’t even exist”. Well, I am here to tell you it is worth it. 100%. Okay, maybe 98% because you still had to get up early!
But here are a few reasons why you will NOT regret it booking a sunrise session:
1. The lighting is simply dreamy in the morning.
Blues are bluer and whites are whiter. Everything is soft and perfect. I don’t believe I have ever met someone who did not enjoy watching a sunrise. During this time the ocean will be more turquoise and have more detail.
2. Your kids will be happier in the morning.
Who doesn’t stress about how their children will behave, smile and look in family pictures? Well let’s try to ease that worry because your children will be happier in the morning. They are typically more awake, more cheerful and less likely to be distracted.
3. Fewer people/things in the background
There obviously are those morning runners and surfers, but the crowds, sun bathers, tents, towels and umbrellas will be few are far between. You’ll get to enjoy and run around the beach with your sweet family and not have to worry about running into others.
4. You get to get it over with early!
Each time my family has pictures taken, I stress ALL day. The anticipation is killer. Will my hair still look good, will the kids still be clean, will everyone be in a good mood, will we be on time, will “so and so” need a nap…. The list goes on and on. The day becomes a waist of a day for me because everything revolves around that photo session.
When you do a morning session – there is the stress of getting up on time, and getting everyone ready. But once you are all there, you enjoy the session and leave – the day is still YOURS! You can go home and take naps, and do whatever you please.
Here are a few images from my favorite sunrise session to date!
Thanks, it is very informative
Thank you! Always happy to have info out there to help people get their perfect session!
Thank you for the excellent article