The moment I found out that we would be relocating to Orange County, California – my mind went straight to the beach, followed by my imagination picturing perfect, dreamy family pictures.
I decided it probably wouldn’t be the best idea to do when Greyson, our son was too little. So the plans began for our perfect session to be around Greysons First birthday!
I looked for the perfect flowy white dress for months, and naturally nothing I found matched what my minds eye had created. Finally one day while visiting family in Utah, I came up this darling dress from Piper and Scoot. It wasn’t flowy, or white. But it fit me, and made me feel pretty.
I knew Greyson would be in a cute white button up, and thankfully I had found the right one from Old Navy! They always save my bacon. My cute Aunt had sent me these darling cut-off jean shorts for Greyson. They were 12-18 months so of course they would fit for or family session when he was a year old…. NOPE. He looked like a straight up gangster with his shorts hanging below his diaper bum.
Thankfully the day of our photos we made a quick trip to Target to get Greyson some different jean shorts, where we also happened to find a shirt for Bryan last minute, (Little secret, our last 3 sessions maternity, newborn and family pictures Bryan wore the same shirt) so it was a good trip!
Greyson took good naps, I was feeling pretty good about my hair, and Bryan looked great!
The moment we arrived at our session Grey was fussy, and it was surprisingly windy, overcast and cold at the beach. Overcast didn’t worry me because I love the even light. However I know it would probably affect Grey’s mood because he would be cold.
Thankfully Kat Darling rocked this session and brought out ALL of the sweet giggles and smiles from Greyson and even us!!! We honestly had a wonderful time, and I knew leaving that session that I was going to love these images as much as I had imagined I would.
Photos taken by Kat Darling, and Edited by yours truly 🙂